Member-only story
XII- Much Better — What Do The Words: “Merry Christmas” Mean (to me)
What Do The Words: “Merry Christmas!” Mean (to me)??
I am Jewish. Christmastime was difficult for me as a child, growing up in West Lafayette, Indiana.
I was emotionally isolated and a loner. During the Christmas season Christianity felt particularly intrusive or “dominant” to me. Our celebration of Chanukah had little effect on my feelings of not belonging with my classmates at Morton School.
I didn’t relate to Christmas trees, Christmas carols, the importance of the holiday, nor the commercial aspect of it — as it was 60 years ago.
Later on, I remember staying in a hostel in Zurich, Switzerland (perhaps in 1972), and going to a Midnight church service as Christmas began. With my limited German, I understood more than those I went with who didn’t know German at all. It was beautiful and relaxing!
Later on, circa 1996 — I joined the “Christmas Party Committee” — which at my request was changed to the “Holiday Committee”. I asked that the music be basically “non-religious” — limited to songs like “Jingle Bells” and was told by the committee head, a supervisor, that it was important to him that songs like “Holy Night” be a part of the celebration, so he would feel “at home” there. He suggested that we add a Chanukah song to make it relevant to me.
Today — some might see an “equity” issue there. I dropped off the committee, discouraged by how it seemed that “compromise”…