What does it mean when you say: “Hamas is a Terrorist …. (Organization, etc.)

George Marx
4 min readJun 13, 2024

What does it mean when you say that Hamas is a Terrorist _____ ? (organization for example)

Do you similarly say: “Israel is a Terrorist State?”

or say:

“The U.S. is the Most Powerful Terrorist State in the World?”

I doubt it!

Well, let’s start with the U.S. I’d certainly say that it is obvious, that if we are to claim — that 2000 years ago — …. regarding the U.S. — we might at best Guess — that Native Peoples lived in much of what is now North America including at least 49 states of what is now the U.S. If we use the same definition, the U.S. is clearly a terrorist state!

When focusing upon Hamas, Israel is presumed, erroneously to me, to be a “positive” or “good” country.

What right did Lord Balfour and the the British Government of 1917 and the years following it to promise a Jewish state in Palestine? It would have seemed much more logical to declare that the residents of Palestine should have (finally) have had independence from the rule of Turkey and not have Great Britain take over in controlling the entity, whether it should have been a “Palestinian State” or a confederation of tribes, or something else. The Jewish population of Palestine in 1917 was…

