I just read a number of your writings - after reading this writing first. It bothers me a lot! Satire and Humor in general - when well conceived and written - can and do help us relax or think more reflectively or give us various other positive things. Humor and Satire - can also be a sort of "pornographic" ish thing - that cater to helping close our selves - through making us feel - "I'm better than s/he - aha - great" and similar. In this writing I think of a totally different - focus of Satire - in how so many of us who are "liberal" or "leftish" - satirize 45 or Republicans - Not - as part of Organizing against - the dangers we face today as a society, but rather to "dope us up" and make us feel good about ourselves. Sexism and Elitism - are important areas to focus upon. Your writing here seems more focused on a sort of "making a buck off of us" - rather than helping us either enjoy the moment in a positive way or learn from the words. I wouldn't waste my time writing here - if I saw this as typical of your writing, but you seem to really care in your writings!