I agree with virtually everything that you say. I see an omission though, though perhaps what I see is in your words or meant to be in your words. As white, upper-middle class men (who are mostly het) we have a responsibility to use our privilege to do our best at dismantling racism, sexism, classism and homophobia (as well as other isms). Certainly we should learn from those who lack our privilege as you ably talk of. We also have a responsibility to organize — and to work: 1.) Internally — with other white men on our issues — so we are Not — leaning on women and People of Color — to be our (only) major support network, 2.) Externally — supporting (substantively not tokenly) the work done by People of Color and women — reaching out and helping them (without expecting praise or reciprocal support) — using our internal work (1.) as our base to do our work that comes from our work with others, and 3.) Externally — connecting and listening to other white men — helping them move with us. Not doing 1.) leads to burnout and a lack of consistent focus. Doing 1.) only — helps make our privilege feel better and doesn’t help others at all. Not doing 2.) leaves the major work being done solely to People of Color and Women. Not doing 3.) leaves the work educating our fellow white men to People of Color and women. SURJ — a noble effort of white people has evolved into an organization with only token white male leadership — related to the failures I have noted above. Organizing White Men for Collective Liberation (www.owmcl.org) is an effort a few of us are working to build among us white men. Locally in Chicago we had a first incredible meeting a week ago with eight committed white men. Most of us were “the good man” working among women or leaning too heavily on female partners. We are all committed to working on our work and activism to help end racism and sexism. Racism won’t have a chance at ending until it becomes clearly visible as a “white problem”. Sexism won’t have a chance at ending until it becomes clearly visible as a “men’s problem”. For far too long, we have talked a lot, not listened and not done our work! Thanks!