Member-only story
Equity and Justice — Is it Primarily Class? — Part I
(Note: Part II is at:, Part III is at:, Part IV is at: )
A. Intersectionality — Kimberle Crenshaw’s gift is helpful,
B. The Patriarchy — is very important to me
C. I have problems with views such as:
Those of us who look to intersectionality for a comprehension of the causes of the social inequalities that grow more intense every day, here in the US and around the world, would do much better to seek analysis and remedy in an antiracist, antisexist, and internationalist revolutionary Marxism: a Marxism that envisions the communist transformation of society in the not too distant future
Residents here have included (and perhaps still include):
1. Settler Colonialists,
2. Immigrants, and
3. Slaves/Natives (lacking basic rights).