Member-only story
Coal Joe & Mighty Mitch
Joe Manchin — U.S. Senator — West Virginia — will be 74 later this summer — Net Worth: a little under $8,000,000 — up for re-election in 2024 — when age 77.
Mighty Mitch — U.S. Senator — Kentucky — age 79 — Net Worth: $22,500,000 — up for re-election in 2026 — when age 84.
Mitch is a man of great “integrity”. His loyalty is to political power. He understands how to live by manipulating Democratic Party politicians. He’s against what The Donald did on January 6th, but we shouldn’t dwell on the past.
Democrats are “socialists”. We need bi-partisanship. Barack Obama naively tried to work with him and failed miserably. The Donald and he did not get along — and he is trashed by him a lot — but they worked together admirably.
Remove the sadist part of the Donald — and you have Might Mitch. “Me” — and what’s best for “me” — is all that matters.
Mighty Mitch — has really done an excellent job! If one looks at things based upon the issues — e.g.”rationally” — the Democrats should — wield 80–90% of the Power. Whenever the chips are down — Mitt, Lisa, and Susan — will tow the line and even — obstinate Adam and the “rebel” Liz — won’t rock the…