Cheating is 100% wrong! Honesty - can result in couples sharing their fears, concerns, desires and working through things. Sex and monogamy - are not "the problems" nor "the answers". Often times - one partner wants to be and feel heard - really heard. Where their partner - can't really hear them, honest searching for ways to work through things may involve - others - whether male or female - for both men and women. We men - often need emotional support - more of which we can get from other men (het men)- than we may be aware of. Shame, secrets, deceit - are harmful to us! What I am speaking of does NOT - deal with Deceitful - Lying - Cheating - men and women - who victimize others - when they could choose to find - relationships - that involved polyamory or more likely swinging - mutually shared - rather than deceiving their partners (often sequentially over and over again). Thanks!